We would like to announce the rollout of our new pilot program,"RE-HOME AT HOME".

Due to the unprecedented number of returns last winter, we plan to have extra room for horses that were adopted through our rescue, with the certainty that this winter is predicted to be worse than last year, with fuel, feed, and hay all tripled.
The returns were ALL due to tragic human events such as owner illness, death, and physical and mental health emergencies. Several of our awesome adopters were forced to surrender their horses due to the rising rent in our fast-growing area. Some rescues saw a 200 percent return rate! (Our rate was a 50 percent return rate for the fiscal year, with adoptions down slightly.. so our careful screening paid off!) These numbers are staggering and bad news for rescues. Many have already closed their doors. We don’t want to be one of them.
We here at The Homestretch, have a duty to our donors and supporters to run our 501(c)(3) in the black. Responsibly. Through drastically cutting overhead, we are adjusting to the current negative financial climate to continue saving thoroughbreds and their owners with this new program:
The RE-HOME AT HOME PROGRAM allows owners to keep the horse with them during the adoption process. It frees up space at the rescue, allowing us to help, when normally we could not. We do this with some of our estate horses with great success. The horse will go through the same adoption process as the horses on-site.
The Homestretch had 3 calls in one day alone - for surrendered horses. Our hope is that we can help more horses and owners through this program. Ultimately, keeping our equine partners safe, and out of the hands of horse traders (which are kill buyers) and horse flippers.
We’re adding info to our website and will happily answer any questions you may have. For more information on this program, please contact us at HomestretchTbredRescue@gmail.com, or by text or call at 865-438-7678.
Kimberly Howard, Director
The Homestretch Thoroughbred Rescue
A 501(c)(3) Not-For-Profit
Knoxville, Tennessee